Part 61 & Part 141 Flight Training | Ground School | Professional Pilot Programs | CATS Testing Center | Fingerprinting

Global Aviation has been providing flight training and first flight experiences since 2008. Starting with one plane and instructor Global Aviation has grown quite a bit into a full service flight school locatedin New York and Connecticut with a flying club. We own and operate a fleet of sixteen training aircraft designed to meet your specialized training needs. Now based in the Atlantic Aviation building at KFRG (Republic Airport) we have our own facility with classroom, FAA approved simulator, club lounge and main office.
Our team consists of an impressive array of aviation professionals with diverse backgrounds, flight experience and all eager to share their love of flying with you. Our goal is to provide you with all of the training and service you need to obtain your private, instrument, mulit-engine, commercial or certified flight instructor rating. Every person with Global Aviation shares the common passion of flying and it's our mission to help you realize your dream of flight. Meet the team!
At Global Aviation we stand behind our training and should you desire to enrol in our program to become a certified flight instructor we guarantee employment with us upon receiving your CFI license. You will be working for us the day after you complete your training and pass your CFI check ride doing what you love while building flight time and meeting like minded professional individuals who all share the same passion as yourself.

Aircraft Management
Thinking of buying a plane or already own a plane? Check out our Leaseback Program.
Let us show you how to reduce the cost and stress of ownership by partnering your aircraft with our fleet.
Earn rental income to help pay for the aircraft
Existing Students/Renters: Your aircraft will start working for you right away!
Prevent idle deterioration by keeping your aircraft flying often
Professional Experienced Flight Instructors who care about your aircraft
Potential Tax Benefits (Speak with your tax advisor)
Stress free, we handle all aircraft scheduling, maintenance, insurance, detailing, and more